Why do some images end up as black and white?

Join me as I look through I few photos I from a recent party I shot. The party was very bright and colourful and I didn't make many pictures black and white but the ones I wanted to put by for future website or social media use were mainly the ones without colour. Which got me thinking. Why do I pick certain pictures? I also give you a bit of an overview of my thoughts when editing, what I like about certain pictures and where and when I apply masks.

Editing photos is a personal and solitary pursuit. Most photographers use the same software, there are only 3-4 to choose from. We are met with many different sliders that make changing a picture very easy. The difficult part is making it look how you want. However, everyone does it differently, from where they store files and catalogue their images to which settings they change first. Most people us presets but some do not.

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Deciding which pictures we edit in colour and which ones to make black and white is a choice I have pondered over for a long time. I was once asked why I choose black and white for some shots and not others and I didn't have a good answer.

Deciding which pictures we edit in colour and which ones to make black and white is a choice I have pondered over for a long time. I was once asked why I choose black and white for some shots and not others and I didn't have a good answer.

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I do not have all the answers when it comes to editing, I am always honing my skills and looking to improve. I continually realise that less is more but you still need enough, or what's the point? I have more answers than I did. I would say I edit on feel, I am sure that I would edit 20 different photos in 20 different ways on 20 different days. I would like those photos more today than I would have a year ago.

Selecting images for black and white is sometimes immediate, I see it and think "get rid of the colour", sometimes I don't feel like I am getting enough from an image so I try it out. Some picture I take knowing I'll go black and white. Like I said, I edit on feel.

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Back on the horse

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Now we can get moving, there is no Horse. I've spent a long time building this website and now i will use it.

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